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2 London."",""01 353 0246"",""CODE""" 2 Fleet Street 2 "Lots of these followed by...","9000 2 ""R Maxwell Esq."",""c/o Sinclair Research, 2 ""END""","The end marker." 1 z$="10080505'C'": 1 z$="10030203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="04050305REVIEWS": 1 z$="0110020216/48": 1 z$="00060102THE HISOFT COMPILER": 1 z$="00040202PORTABILITY": 1 z$="00040202CONCLUSIONS": 1 z$="00030202THE BAD NEWS": 1 z$="00020302COMPILING": 1 z$="00020202THE GOOD NEWS": 1 z$="00010202THE C LANGUAGE": 1 z$="00010202SO WHY BOTHER?": 1 z$="00010202IS IT STANDARD?": 1 which works like this..." 1 means that you can start to get to grips with it fairly quickly." 1 l=l+(k$="6" 1 i,o;"HIT A KEY( 1 first part of anim prog 1 by HISOFTK 1 a$,t$,c$","read address into a$, telephone number into t$ and code into c$.","60 IF c$(2 1 a$","Print Name and address." 1 Z$="16020303by HISOFT": 1 PRESS ANY KEY 1 It is easy to write inpenetrablecode and obscure bugs. As with assembler, generous dosages of comments are important if you want to understand today's work tomorrow." 1 ;"Use up and down keys to read thenotes. Press 1 ;"NOTE"'a$;a$; 1 ;"Hit any key to start again. 1 90","Subs are not due so skip the printing.","70 1 0802DEMO": 1 )*(l<max)-(k$="7" 1 (The C Programming Language 1 '''"This is debatable. Hisoft claim that other computers can be usedto write C source files, but I suspect that you need to be a bit of a RS232 whizz kid." 1 '''"The C programming language was written by Dennis Ritchie of Bell Laboratories in 1972. It grew up along with the Unix 1 '''"Programs will usually be writtenwith the integral editor. This is a fairly crude line editor, but it has a useful search and replace function." 1 '''"Considering the eccentricities of the Spectrum the Hisoft C compiler comes very close to thestandard and all deviations are thoroughly documented." 1 '''"C is a ""small"" language. This 1 '''"Any C compiler has to judged in terms of several criteria;" 1 ''"The efficient compiling and the processor independance of C are rapidly making it THE language for buisiness and sytems 1 ''"The demo program contains two very short routines. The first is in Basic and the second is 4K of a very short compiled C program. Both ask you to enter ten names and the routine sorts them into alphabetical order andprints them out." 1 ''"Dave Howorth has written a very professional package. Given the lack of competition, he might have been forgiven for doing much less." 1 ''"C is not a ""safe"" language. 1 '"Where 'a' is 1 '"Unix was re-written in C very early in its life. The fact thatthis gave the system processor independance without any loss inefficiency is a testament to thepower of the language." 1 '"The synax is very economical andyou can quickly be seduced by the joy of a ""for"" statement 1 '"The power of C lies in the way that it combines a few low levelelements with a structure which quickly builds them into high level functions." 1 '"The main deficiency is the non implementation of floating pointnumbers. However, to be fair to Hisoft this is the case with almost all 8 bit C compilers." 1 '"The Standard Function Library isvery much in line with K&R." 1 '"The Basic routine is a bubble sort the C routine uses a 1 '"Many of the more interesting programming techniques involve the use of functions (or proced-ures) with local variables." 1 '"Many of the more commonly used functions are built into the compiler. Other functions have to be extracted from the libraryfile at compile time." 1 '"If your interest in computing goes beyond the Spectrum and zap games you will find that learning C is a fascinating and rewarding challenge." 1 '"I wrote a short source file on Tasword and after adapting the code to include appropriate linefeeds I tried to compile it." 1 '"I cannot recommend this package if you only have tape storage." 1 '"Fork out `22.95 for Kernighan & Ritchie's expensive, excellent and essential book, 1 '"At a first glance the language looks very hieroglyphic. This isa fairly superficial problem, sodon't let it frighten you. Aftera while you will prefer""{}"" to 1 '"An empty C program compiles to 3K of code. 40K of user RAM is not enough for C to compete withassembler in mega game writing for the Spectrum." 1 '"After the program has finished you will need to reset and 1 '"A short program can take over a minute to compile with the 1 '"16/48 RATING: 1 "`25 for Hisoft C and about `16 on a tutorial book and see how much you can save! The cheapest C compiler I could find for the Apricot was `235!" 1 "To my surprise the compiler did compile it, but the editor wouldinsist on reading it all as one line. The editor crashes if it tries to edit lines of over 80 characters." 1 "There is,of course, nothing to stop you writing your own set of library functions to make up for this deficiency." 1 "BASIC does not have these so thejoys (and pitfalls)of recursive functions are only available with other languages." 1 "80 LET count=count+1","count the labels so that you know how many stamps to buy!","90 GOTO 30","Do the next label." 1 "10 RESTORE 1000","The next READ will start lookingfor data at line 1000.","20 LET count=0","Set counter to zero.","30 READ n$","LET n$ = the next data item.","40 IF n$=""END"" 1 ","Stop if you have read the last name and address." 1 ""SEP85""","If the 2nd to 6th letters of c$ are not equal to this month...."," 1 ""BEGIN END.""." 1 to move on." 1 statement 'c' is performed." 1 standard language as defined in ""THE C PROGRAMMING 1 recursive version of Hoares 1 programs to and from other 1 programmers." 1 operating system for the DEC PDP 11 minicomputer." 1 machines and compilers." 1 loads a demo." 1 library on microdrive." 1 initialisation statement and the loop 'd' is repeated until 1 impossible in Basic." 1 function library," 1 for(a;b;c){"'" d"'" } 1 condition 'b'becomes false and at the end of each loop 1 The scope of its 'standard' 1 Ritchie (K&R)," 1 Prentice-Hall. 1 LOAD""""." 1 LANGUAGE"" by Kernighan & 1 ISBN 0-13-110163-3)" 1 How efficiently and quickly it compiles C programs and" 1 How easy it is to transfer 1 Compatability with the 1 (but only ifyou have microdrives) 1 ""quicksort"", this would be 1 pages backwards.